What I pack in my lorry - Eventing Edition

What I Pack in my Lorry: Eventing Edition
I can’t quite believe the time has finally come to write this blog… my plan was to have it written before the first event of the season in March but of course our Event season has been significantly delayed due to the Corona Virus. Four months later than originally planned but many of us are heading to our first event of the season THIS WEEKEND! As many of us are out of the ‘Eventing routine’ I thought I’d create a checklist to make your life a little easier when it comes to packing the lorry or trailer. Along with all of the typical items you’d expect to see (saddle, boots, body protector etc.), I also asked you guys for some of your more obscure suggestions via Instagram. So here goes… be sure to print this checklist so that you are as organised as you possibly can be for your first Event of the season.
Good luck!

Travel boots
Tail bandage/guard
Travel rug
Leather headcollar
Haynet (& spare)
For the rider
Hat (& hairnet)
Show jacket
Stock shirt
Stock & pin
Boots (& spurs)
Breeches (& spares)
Body protector
Air jacket
Stop watch
Number bib (& pre-printed number)
Cross country colours
Cross country app (or wheel)
Dressage test
For the horse
Dressage saddle (& girth)
Jump saddle (& girth)
Dressage & jumping bits
Jumping boots
Cross country boots
Fly veil
Ice boots (& ice) /cold water boots
Polos or treats!
For the lorry/trailer
List of your times
Map & directions
Tack cleaner
Stud kit (studs, tap, nail, magnetic dish, WD-40)
Cooler rug
Lightweight waterproof rug
Water buckets (sponge, sweat scraper)
Mounting block
Lunge line
Hole punch
Skip & fork
First aid kit
Diesel! (don’t forget to fill up!)
Grooming box
Mane/tail brush
Detangler spray
Baby oil (& towel)
Spare plaiting bands/thread
Fly spray
Hoof pick
Hoof oil
Instagram suggestions
Apple juice to put in the horse’s water if they don’t drink
Loo roll!
Rescue remedy
Lucky socks
Camping chairs
Mini whiteboard to write down times
Note pad for walking the cross country course
Wilberry wonder pony to take cross country
Suncream (for a rare sunny day of Eventing)
Bottled water or Lucozade
Lots of snacks
Money for buying lots of photos